Who We Are & What We Do

In 2024, Codman Square Neighborhood Development Corporation (CSNDC) celebrates its 43th year serving Codman Square and South Dorchester.

Throughout this time, we have been working with local residents, businesses, and organizations to foster a healthy, thriving and equitable community by:

  • Developing HOUSING and commercial spaces that are affordable and safe
  • Creating ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY for low- and moderate-income residents of all ages
  • Fostering COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT to build the capacity and involvement of local residents
  • Promoting SUSTAINABILITY of the local environment for future generations

Our mission is to build a cohesive and resilient community in Codman Square and South Dorchester, develop affordable housing and commercial spaces that are safe and sustainable, and promote economic stability for low- and moderate-income residents of all ages.

CSNDC serves a two square mile area of Dorchester that is bounded by Columbia Road and Geneva Avenue to the north, Gallivan Boulevard and Morton Street to the south, Blue Hill Avenue to the west, and Dorchester Avenue to the east.

Throughout our history, we have concentrated on physical development in our service area, but in the face of growing concerns about gentrification and displacement – and now the unrest caused by longstanding racial disparities and injustices which are presenting in disproportionate COVID-19 health impacts, economic insecurities and police brutality – we have become increasingly focused on social, economic, political and racial inequities in our neighborhood.

Read Reflections from Our Founders 40 Years Later

As we enter our fifth decade, we pledge to do everything in our power every day to advance these ideals and values:

CSNDC Service Area Map
  • Access to Affordable Housing

    Safe, affordable neighborhoods are a foundation to individual, family, and community stability. CSNDC believes housing is a right, not a privilege and every person has a fundamental right to a decent, safe, healthy and stable home. We also believe any person without permanent, habitable housing is homeless.

  • Respect for Diversity & Inclusion

    Respect for Diversity & Inclusion: We embrace and value diversity. We strive to reflect the diversity of our clients and the communities we serve by providing employment, board, and volunteer opportunities. Acknowledging, respecting, and reflecting the diversity of our community within our organization and our work enhances our ability to produce more effective outcomes. CSNDC respects the dignity and inherent value of all individuals. We relate to each other, community partners, and to clients with courtesy, kindness, sincerity, and compassion.

  • Community Collaboration

    Community Collaboration: Community input through individual residents and stakeholder groups ensures the fullest response to community needs and concerns. CSNDC recognizes the strength our collective voice, vision, and skills, relying on a collaborative approach to successfully address our greatest and most important challenges. Partnerships are an effective means of leveraging power and resources to best address community priorities and concerns.

  • Co-Powering

    We recognize that our power and success goes hand-in-hand with the power and success of our community, acknowledging all as leaders and able stakeholders.

  • Excellence

    We strive to reflect a practice of innovation and effectiveness to help steward our work in traditional and new areas to maximize positive impact. Through promoting efficiency, developing local resources, and including the role of residents in advancing an agenda for their individual and family success the NDC will increase community self-reliance.

  • Sustainability

    Sustainability is the recognition, everything that we need for our survival and well-being depends, either directly or indirectly, on our natural environment. Sustainability includes transit-oriented development, renewable energy, walkability, design & construction practices and resource conservation that increases affordability and reduces costs. Sustainability balances environmental, social and economic needs of present and future generations.

  • Dynamic Economic Landscape

    We support the right of all people to work, be employed and earn a living wage. CSNDC believes in the equitable distribution of wealth and a robust and accessible strong local economy that supports traditional and alternative economic models of businesses and entrepreneurship.

  • Equity

    We believe in fair access to livelihood, education and resources. We incorporate the principles of social equity into all of our lines of business and engagement with the community to ensure we are supporting the needs and addressing the challenges of our diverse and multigenerational neighborhood.

  • Health

    We support the wellbeing of the community by developing and maintaining places that are designed to promote a healthy and sustainable built environment. Through strategic programming and initiatives CSNDC seeks to improve access to healthy and affordable food, decrease the prevalence of toxic stress in families and individuals, and strengthen community cohesion.

  • Advocacy

    We engage active residents and develop potential leaders within our portfolio of housing and surrounding neighborhood who are able to identify community priorities, lead initiatives and actions focused on the collective good, successfully advocate for community needs with elected officials and policy makers, and are empowered to hold CSNDC accountable to our stated mission, vision, and values.